
Fox Valley Programs for Eagle Scouts


Ron Feldman Certificate The Fox Valley chapter of the SAR is proud to work with the Three Fires Council of the Boy Scouts of America to honor every Eagle Scout with a Certificate of Recognition.

Ron Feldman, the Chairman of Eagle Scout Programs in the Fox Valley Chapter. He is also a Revolutionary War re-enactor and does public speaking on this topic. He works with the Three Fires Council on the details of the SAR information to be included in the packet of each new Eagle Scout.

The SAR has a Scholarship Program which is open to all Eagle Scouts who are currently registered in an active unit and have not reached their 19th birthday during the year of application. It is NOT necessary to have an ancestor that fought in the American Revolution to participate. All Eagle Scouts in the Three Fires Council are welcome to participate if they meet the age requirement and are registered in an active unit.

Entrants need to complete only one application -- the one for the chapter competition. If it is a winner, then it is used for the state competition; and if it is a winner in Illinois, then it is used for the national competition. This is an annual program with shoulder patches, medals and scholarships presented each year. Eagle Scouts from the Three Fires Council are encouraged to participate.

The application consists of:

     1. The two page application form
     2. The Four Generation ancestor chart
     3. The 500 word essay

Details about the scholarship program including the necessary application and four generation ancestor chart can be downloaded from the national site. For Eagle Scouts in the Three Fires Council, the application should be mailed between August 1st and December 15th to:

     Mr. Ron Feldman
     542 Glacier Trail
     Roselle, IL 60176

Questions should be e-mailed to Ron Feldman at brassgrasshopper@sbcglobal.net.

Eagle Scout Patch Eagle Scout Patch Every Eagle Scout from the Three Fires Council who sends a complete application to Ron Feldman will receive a patch shown on the left for their paticipation. The Eagle Scout whose application is judged to be the best in the Fox Valley chapter will receive the medal shown at the left at a chapter dinner and Ron will forward his application to George Tinkham, the State SAR Eagle Scout Committee Chairman to be judged at the state level. Winners at the state level advance automatically to the national competition.

Photos from the April 27, 2015 Spring Dinner:

April2015Photo5 April2015Photo6 Left: Mike introduces, VP Rod Herbig, this year's Eagle Scout winner Trevor Bollech, and his parents. Right: Rod explains the elaborate framed award to Trevor and his proud parents.

Photos from the April 29, 2013 Spring Dinner:

April2013Photo9 Eagle Scout Chairman Rod Herbig presents a medal and plaque to Andrew Zanoni, our Eagle Scout award winner, while his parents watch with pride.

Photos from the April 29, 2012 Spring Dinner:

April2012Photo4 Winner of the Eagle Scout award in the Fox Valley Chapter for 2012 Ben O'Donnell and his proud parents.

Photos from the January 9, 2010 Eagle Scout Court of Honor:

Don Parrish Dave Bailey Jr Dave Family On the left: Former Chapter President Don Parrish presents a Certificate to Eagle Scout David C. Bailey Jr at his Court of Honor. On the right: Dave stands with his family: Chapter Treasurer David Bailey, chapter member & fellow Eagle Scout Paul Bailey, and proud mother Ceil Bailey.

Photos from the May 3, 2009 Fox Valley Dinner Meeting:

Eagle Jeremy Lane Chapter President Mike Johnston presented the top Eagle Scout award to Jeremy Lane flanked by his proud parents. Our dinner meeting was held in the new Ashbury's at Boughton Ridge in Bolingbrook. Our chapter presents this award each year to an Eagle Scout from the Three Fires Council.

Photos from the April 27, 2008 Fox Valley Dinner Meeting:

Jeff Steimle Parents Jeff Steimle Pinned On the left: Eagle Scout winner Jeff Steimle with his parents, David and Susan. On the right: President and Eagle Scout Chairman Mike Johnston enjoys watching Jeff Steimle being pinned by his mother with the medal as the top Eagle Scout selected by the Fox Valley Chapter.

Photos from the April 22, 2007 Fox Valley Dinner Meeting:

Paul Bailey Parents Mike Johnston Paul Bailey On the left: Eagle Scout winner Paul Bailey shows his parents, Dave and Ceil, his medal and certificate. On the right: VP and Eagle Scout Chairman Mike Johnston explains to Paul Bailey that he has been also selected by ILSSAR as the top Eagle Scout in Illinois.

Photos from Daniel Pickerl's Eagle Scout Project:

DanielPickerl Danie lPickerl Project In the fall of 2006, the Fox Valley chapter provided some financial assistance to Children of the American Revolution member Daniel Pickerl with his Eagle Scout Project. Daniel did a complete rehab of the Veterans memorial in Naperville's Pioneer Park.

Photos from the Annual Convention of the ILSSAR in Springfield on May 13, 2006:

Evan Thorne Ken Griswold Mike Johnston Harry Windland Evan Thorne received the Eagle Scout Trophy and $500 check from President Ken Griswold as the best Eagle Scout. Mike Johnston, Chairman of Eagle Scout programs, received a certificate from Harry Windland honoring Fox Valley for having the top Eagle Scout.

Photos from the Eagle Court of Honor for Paul Bailey in Naperville on May 7, 2006:

David and Paul Bailey David Paul Don Chapter Member and former ILSSAR President David Bailey proudly stands by his son Paul Donald Bailey III at the ceremony where Paul became an Eagle Scout. Chapter President Don Parrish presented a SAR Eagle Scout Recognition Certificate to Paul during the event.

Photos from the Dinner Meeting of the Fox Valley Chapter of the ILSSAR in Naperville on April 23, 2006:

Evan Thorne Parents Evan Thorne, Parents, Mike Evan Thorne, this year's winner of the Eagle Scout award, enjoyed dinner with his parents, Vicki and Mark, and members of the Fox Valley chapter. During the program, Evan was presented with a medal and certificate by Mike Johnston, VP of the chapter.

Photos from the Dinner Meeting of the Fox Valley Chapter of the ILSSAR in Lisle on April 18, 2004:

Mike Johnson and Nickells' Family Chris Nickells Mike Johnston presents the Eagle Scout medal to Christopher Nickells, this year's Fox Valley Chapter winner. Chris' mother pins it on him while his proud father watches. Chris displays the family heirloom used in the American Revolution and reads his winning essay to 33 members & guests.


Summary of Scholarship Program

SAR Level SAR Leader Deadline Winner Receives
 Fox Valley Chapter  Rod Herbig  December 15th of current year  Medal and public recognition at chapter dinner
 Illinois SAR  Jim Say  January 15th of following year  Trophy, $500 Scholarship and opportunity to speak to state convention
 National SAR  Robert Burt  February 15th of following year  $8,000 scholarship with $4,000 for the runner-up and $2,000 for the 2nd runner-up