
Fox Valley Chapter 2007 Photos & Events


This page contains the 2007 Fox Valley SAR photo gallery and a listing of our events.

There are additional 2007 photos elsewhere on this website. For example, there are newsletters to review. On that page are links to articles in the Daily Herald on the discovery of the grave of Revolutionary War soldier Israel Warner by our chapter President, Don Parrish. Don is featured in another article on patriotism.

Finally, check the Activities section for other 2007 photos.

Click to enlarge photos and they will autoclose in 10 to 15 seconds.

Photos from Dinner Meeting at the Omega Restaurant in Naperville on April 22, 2007:

Don Dorothy Chuck New Members President Don Parrish, assisted by Sgt at Arms Charles Sener presented Dorothy Morriss the prestigious Daughters of Liberty medal. On the right, VP and Register Mike Johnston administers the New Member Oath to Mike McMeins, Jim Garrison, and John Sellers.
Paul Bailey Parents Mike Johnston Paul Bailey On the left: Eagle Scout winner Paul Bailey shows his parents, Dave and Ceil, his medal and certificate. On the right: VP and Eagle Scout Chairman Mike Johnston explains to Paul Bailey that he has been also selected by ILSSAR as the top Eagle Scout in Illinois.
Iwo Jima Flag Failed Skyscraper Left, Don Parrish explains in a surprise slide show that Richard Johnston, Mike's father, fought on Iwo Jima. Don raised this flag on Mount Suribachi at the site of the famous flag raising as a gift to Mike. On the right, Don presented 115 slides on his 2005 trip to North Korea. Don's PowerPoint presentation illustrated that the confluence of culture, politics and religion have made North Korea the most repressed country on Earth. The 105 story skyscraper, abandoned in 1991, is a perfect symbol of a failed system. There are no traffic lights in North Korea.

Photos from Dinner Meeting at the Omega Restaurant in Naperville on October 28, 2007:

New Members Randall Yeager Left: VP Mike Johnston with new compatriots Thomas McClow, Aaron Reisner and Randall Yeager and assistant presenters Karl Reed and Carson Yeager. Right: Compatriot Carson Yeager pins new member rosette on son Randall Yeager as Mike smiles.
Aurora Police Scott Painter Left, Aurora Chief of Police William Powell, and officers William Sullivan and Glenda VanHorn who received Law Enforcement awards from Secretary Bruce Talbot. Right, Bruce presented the Outstanding Citizenship award to Scott Painter with his proud parents watching. Scott helped a elderly couple in seriously flooded car.
Linnaea Hance Caitlin Collins Left, Chapter President Don Parrish, presents a check of support to Linnaea Hance of the Judge Nathaniel Pope CAR chapter. Right, Don introduces Caitlin Collins, Historian of the Illinois CAR, who explained their pin drive. Compatriots bought all 10 pins she brought.
Karl Reed Ron Karl Left, Karl Reed, delivers a PowerPoint on the Battle of Fort Mifflin that Bruce Talbot assisted him with. Right, chapter Board Member, Ron Smith surprised Karl with a gift - a poster composed of photos Ron took during ILSSAR Board meetings during Karl's term as President.

Fox Valley Chapter 2007 Events

Clicking on the location, links you to the MapQuest web site for that location.

Details on our events in previous years are available in the Photo Gallery.

  • April 22nd - "Spring Dinner Meeting" - Omega Restaurant in Warrenville/Naperville

    The Omega restaurant is a half a mile north of the East West Tollway (I-88) on Route 59. Turn west on Ferry Road, the first traffic light north of I-88, then turn right into the strip mall and drive to the north end. Enter the Omega on the north side to get into the private dinning room.

    Our Speaker is Chapter President Don Parrish, a life member of the Circumnavigators Club (for people who have made a trip around the world) and a member of the Travelers Century Club (for people who have visited a least 100 countries). Don's PowerPoint presentation is "My Visit to North Korea". In the past 20 years only 500 Americans have been allowed to visit North Korea. Don's talk was very well received by the Ft. Dearborn SAR chapter in Chicago last fall.

    All SAR, DAR and CAR members and their guests are welcome to attend!!

    5:00 - 6:00pm -- Cocktails and Social Hour
    6:00 - 7:00pm -- Dinner
    7:00 - 7:25pm -- Announcements and Introductions
    7:25 - 7:35pm -- Eagle Scout Award Presentation and Stark Award Explanation
    7:40 - 8:40pm -- PowerPoint Photo Presentation on North Korea
    8:50 - 9:00pm -- Social time

    The cost for the banquet is $30.00 for adults and $20.00 for children under 12:
    Make checks payable to: Fox Valley Chapter, SAR and mail to:
                     David Bailey
                     1569 Marquette Ave.
                     Naperville, IL 60565

  • June 10th - "Island Rendezvous - Reenactors of the 18th Century Illinois Frontier" -
    at Isle a la Cache in Romeoville

    "In June the scene is dramatically transformed: feasting, playing, drinking, and dancing the Island Rendezvous! A spirited celebration, a rendezvous was a gathering of trappers, traders, and travelers at the end of the trading season. As an annual event that has attracted thousands of people for the past 15 years, the Island Rendezvous includes musket shoots, canoe races, tomahawk throwing contests, and more! Visit with re-enactors, individuals who dress as the French voyageur and Native American people of the 1700s. Wander through their camps, watch demonstrations of their fascinating crafts and skills."

  • September 16th - "Revolutionary War Battle Recreation" - Cantigny Park in Winfield

    This is the classic opportunity to see how Revolutionary War soldiers lived in camp and see a re-creation of a battle with over 100 re-enactors. It is a perennial favorite of our members.

    We will have an informal picnic starting at noon and concluding by 1:00pm. This will give us time to explore the encampment and see the battle. You are welcome to bring friends and family. There is no cost for this event except for the parking fee at Cantigny Park.

    To find the Fox Valley SAR compatriots take the left (north) parking lot and drive to the end (east). We will have a picnic table with the SAR table flags. Click for a pdf map of Cantigny.

    This is a unique opportunity to experience a battle of the Revolutionary War. Don't miss it. You can either bring food and drink with you or you can purchase them at Cantigny.

  • October 28th - "Fall Dinner Meeting" - Omega Restaurant in Warrenville/Naperville

    The Omega restaurant is a half a mile north of the East West Tollway (I-88) on Route 59. Turn west on Ferry Road, the first traffic light north of I-88, then turn right into the strip mall and drive to the north end. Enter the Omega on the north side to get into the private dinning room.

    Our Speaker is Karl Reed who is the President of the Illinois Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. His talk is on "The Battle of Fort Mifflin". This battle took place in Philadelphia, PA on October 23, 1777. Fort Mifflin is the site of the greatest bombardment of the American Revolution. Karl's talk celebrates the 230th anniversary of this battle.

    In addition to Karl's presentation, we will honor this year's Law Enforcement award winner.

    All SAR, DAR and CAR members and their guests are welcome to attend!!

    5:00 - 6:00pm -- Cocktails and Social Hour
    6:00 - 7:00pm -- Dinner
    7:00 - 7:30pm -- Welcome and Overview of Chapter Activities
    7:30 - 8:30pm -- Presentation of The Battle of Fort Mifflin
    8:30 - 9:00pm -- Social time

    The cost for the banquet is $30.00 for adults and $20.00 for children under 12:
    Make checks payable to: Fox Valley Chapter, SAR and mail to:
                     David Bailey
                     1569 Marquette Ave.
                     Naperville, IL 60565